For those of you who are not friends with me on Facebook, for six weeks beginning on May 5th I will be motorcycling through 42 US states and 4 provinces. It is a combination business and pleasure trip and I will be posting here everyday. I am taking a regular digital camera, a high contrast, black & white, infrared digital camera, and an HD GoPro video helmet camera so hopefully I will be able to post a variety of images and footage as I travel from NS to Georgia to California to BC and home. My wonderful wife (of soon to be 25 years!) will be joining me in Seattle, three weeks into the Roadtrip.
I will also be using this blog as the trip log and diary from now until the conclusion on or about June 16. For certain, some days will make for a very dull read (especially for the next 27 days) but hopefully there will be days that you will find interesting, funny and maybe even a little exciting. After all, I am going through Tornado Alley in the middle of the season, flying in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon, riding through the Canadian Rockies in spring and so much more.
I’d love to have you along “for the ride” if you like. Here’s a map showing my tentative route:

Marc MacArthur
Signed ip for the blog and looking forward to your posts. Safe ride my friend.