Baby bump in black and white
The concept of the baby bump portrait really got going with Demi Moore on the cover of Vanity Fair in August 1991. My daughter was born in 1989 and she wasn’t my first baby bump photo. So I’ve been creating maternity portraits since before they were popular! There are many ways to create these wonderful images. My goal is to achieve what my client wants and to make it timeless. If you are careful with the design of a baby bump portrait there’s no way to determine if it was taken ten years ago or yesterday.
Each maternity photo session begins with a Design Meeting. Do you want colour or black and white or Hybrid Painting? Will it be just the mother or will Dad be in it too? What about siblings? Do you want a wall portrait or an album? Clothing, no clothing or just material? Where will your maternity photo be displayed? Will you do your own hair and make-up? In home, studio or outdoors?

Creating a baby bump portrait with emotion and form requires skill and lighting more than most other portrait types. It is also one of my favourite portraits to create. I have a current project (2014-2015) which is entirely about maternity portraits with working moms. If you are interested and qualify your session and first print would be complimentary.
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