19th annual bunny pictures Easter Special.
It’s that time of year again when we start taking bookings for bunny pictures. We’ve been doing this Easter Special for a long time. It is our second most popular event behind Santa’s Workshoppe.
Every year during the first or second week of March our new baby bunnies arrive. We’ve had several different sets over these years. But the most popular are our white background and our barn background. This year we are raising money for the local food bank. That means we’ve reduced the session fee to a donation. This year if you donate $20 for the food bank your session will be free.
Since we’ve been doing the bunny pictures for so long we know how it works best. That’s why we use baby bunnies (but certainly old enough to leave Momma) and why we limit the event to two days. We also ensure we have multiple bunnies so they can have breaks. All of this knowledge helps make your photo session and your bunny portraits wonderful. We will work with any age but we have found if your baby is sitting up it is better. We can also do small groups of siblings or cousins. The kids have lots of fun and there are often squeals of delight. It’s wonderful watching them interact with the bunnies.
If you want a nice airy, spring feeling child portrait then the white background is the way to go. If you want a casual, rustic feel to your bunny pictures then the barn background is the choice to make. But either way, don’t delay. Each year we are booked up and once the bunnies are gone – they’re gone.
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