Business Photos that will make you money!
Most people in business today realize they need business photos. That’s because people like to feel a connection to those they work with. The old days were about prospecting and closing the sale. Today it’s all about the relationship. If your business photos are out-dated (new haircut or weight loss) or don’t match your brand then your client will feel a disconnect right from the start. When that happens that trust you need is harder to earn.
We will discuss your brand, your personality, your image and come up with the perfect business photos just for you. Many of my clients want several images so they can change them up for a slightly different (colour or black and white) look but still maintain their brand. Others want one simple image which they use consistently until their look changes. Some feel a location portrait is best and others like it nice and clean. Regardless of your needs I am there for you. I have a full service studio in Elmsdale, a small home office in Truro, a portable kit (including backgrounds) just for in office business photos and I travel almost anywhere!
Check out these tips for your next business photos. You can also sign up for our quarterly E-newsletter at the bottom of this page. Like us on Facebook to keep up to date with everything we’ve got going on. It’s especially great for learning about family portraits and child portraits. That’s where you’ll find out first about any last minute specials. Occasionally I’ll have a cancellation, or maybe just a hole in my schedule. Our Facebook page is generally the first place I’ll post what’s available and quickly I need to fill it.