Help Support Food Bank – B&W Family Portraits
We had originally scheduled our B&W family portraits fundraiser event for yesterday. Obviously Mother Nature had a different idea. This past weekend’s storm was hard on many of us for many reasons. For those who often have to choose between heat and food it was not a good weekend. In fact it has not been a good winter for those who have to make this difficult choice.
The idea for this special day of B&W family portraits came about because of my own perfect storm. I need some new samples for the gallery and the web, most people don’t want to have a family photo created when they are half buried in snow, I just dismantled Santa’s Workshoppe so I have more room in the studio and the new Family Day Holiday seemed like the perfect opportunity. I also know that food banks tend to get lost in the shuffle this time of year.
Great black and white portraiture requires some specific lighting, processing and printing techniques in order to produce quality images. Often times we see colour photos simple converted into B&W family portraits. I have developed my own Expressive Lighting Technique which is perfect for black and white images. Combined with a professional medium format camera the amount of detail is amazing!
Due to the storm and having to postpone this event I now have a few more openings for this coming weekend February 21 and 22. Please email me at for details and to book your session.
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