Diversity as a family photographer makes it fun!
Having a style is great. But as a family photographer you really need to have diversity. Being a “natural light” photographer is wonderful. But sometimes Mother Nature and tight schedules make it impossible. Knowing when to add artificial light can make the difference between okay and great! I am a Master of Photographic Arts (MPA) with 30 years experience. I know when to add light and when to take it away. Being an Accredited (PPOC) family photographer ensures you I can adapt to the situation. Bright sun or no sun, on the beach or in the studio – I’ve done it!
I travel throughout Atlantic Canada creating emotional portraits for close-knit families. I do this at locations they love or have meaning. I also have a centrally located, spacious studio in Elmsdale, NS. I have the skills necessary to light any number of people. I have the the diversity as a family photographer to create wonderful pieces of “family art” for your walls. Sign up for our quarterly E-newsletter at the bottom of this page. Like us on Facebook to keep up to date with everything we’ve got going on. That’s where you’ll find out first about any last minute specials.