Our Portrait Artist, Kirk, has been doing Family Reunion Photography Nova Scotia since 1994.

Big or small you can trust your Family Reunion Photography Nova Scotia to us!

Getting family together takes planning, patience, more planning, more patience and then some luck. Luck with work schedules and weather. But where you don’t want to just have luck is with your photographer. Kirk has worked with many family groups both outside and inside. Having the right equipment becomes very important if Mother Nature doesn’t play nice! Be sure to check out our Environmental Portraits webpage

Part of what we do with you is to have a Discovery and Design meeting. This can be done in person or by phone, Skype or Facetime. We will discuss everything from location to time of day to clothing and more. If you don’t already follow us on Facebook then click here.

As you can see, photographing families is one of our specialties. Our Portrait Artist, Kirk Saint, has his Master Of Photographic Arts and has travelled to be trained by the best photographers and artists in North America. Portrait Artists like Gregory Daniels, William Branson, Don MacGregor, Ben SHirk and the “Grandfather of Wall Portraiture” as he was known, the late Ken Whitmire. Please Email Kirk or call his cell at 902-957-0903 to discuss your needs for your upcoming Family Reunion Photography Nova Scotia.
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