I love working with tomorrow’s leaders and being a Grad Photographer keeps me young!
Photographing similar subject over and over again as a grad photographer could be boring for some. But not for me. Every new face is different. Different in shape, different in size,different in character. One of my mentors got me started on facial analysis and then I dove deeper. I took a seminar from an American master photographer who had an anthropological background. The full day course was all about analyzing the face. It certainly has been helpful in my career overall but where it comes in handy the most is in my higher volume work as a grad photographer. I literally have seconds to look at a face and make decisions for pose and lighting changes. All the while I am engaging the student in a meaningful conversation. And some of these students have a lot of interesting things to say!
My ability to converse (my Newfoundland background makes that easy) along with the skill of facial analysis helped me immensely. These two traits were paramount in becoming Nova Scotia’s only Nationally Accredited grad photographer. But the fact that I enjoy talking with our youth certainly doesn’t hurt. Some of images I create involve something of meaning to the students. That could be a pet or a hobby or a passion of some sorts. Being a grad photographer for me is full of surprises from these wonderful leaders of tomorrow. If I can capture WHO they are today, that will give them an heirloom to look back on in the years to come. It will also provide a great portrait for their parents to proudly show off on the walls of their home.
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