Grad Portraits – High School, College and University.
Like family photos, once grad portraits get hung they stay there forever. I’ve been in many homes and grad portraits are almost always on display.
Our sister company, Unique Images, is our grad photo division. U.I. has been photographing grads since 1994. I have personally been photographing grad photos since 1990.
We have many sizes and colours of gowns and sashes. Besides the schools and universities we are contracted to photograph we also do studio portraits. We photograph in-studio grads in Elmsdale and Truro. We also create grad portraits outdoors or at special locations. You can choose colour, black and white or sepia toned.
Our grad packages range from $50 and up with most orders for grad portraits being in the $150 range. We offer mounting, laminating and framing. This means your grad photos can be complete when they arrive. You can choose Deluxe Retouching, Basic or None. Most people opt for Basic as it removes the blemishes or bags under the eyes that show up on Picture Day!
We also offer casual grad portraits. These are often referred to as High School Senior pictures. These are usually created at a variety of locations as well as the studio. Senior photos are designed to exhibit the grad’s likes and personality in their grad 12 year.
I am the only Nationally Accredited (PPOC) grad photographer in Nova Scotia.
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