Headshot photos and more!
Not every business needs the same type of headshot photos. In fact almost needs a couple of different types of business photos. That’s why it”s so important to work with a photographer who asks you a lot of questions. They are really trying to service your needs. What purpose or purposes are you trying to fill? With the typical headshot photos for a business card or black and white newspaper ad you will want to stay very close-up. Probably just your face and neck/shoulders. Do you work with a graphic designer who is going to want to place that portrait of you onto different backgrounds? Then you’ll want a plain white or “green screen” background. If it’s for a website what is your brand? The business photos you show must match what you want your potential clients to think of you. If it’s a mechanic garage for the average 5 year old car then the amount of “polish” should be minimal. Organized yes – spic and span no. If it is for a luxury automobile then the website images should be almost “spa-like” with lost of retouching and enhancing as needed.
Just looking at these 4 images there is some significant differences. They are not “in your face” but they are there. Something simple like the same golf shirt on the three mechanics. Each of them with a pen – so they can write down what you tell them is wrong with your car! The approachable lawyer but the office is tastefully decorated with subtle plants and contrasting art. These are not typical headshot photos and are not suitable for a small size. But would be great on a website.
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