It’s the time of year for hockey photographs.
If you have children in hockey then you know about hockey photographs! Most of them look the same and they’re a great record of how your child looks and what team they play for this year. Sometimes a professional does them, sometimes it’s a parent with a good camera and sometimes it’s you! In any case they are cheap enough that you should probably buy them just so you have that record.
But what if you want something more? Something different? Maybe it’s your child’s last year of hockey or their first? Our specially designed vintage locker room set is incredible for those special hockey photographs. Definitely different and something you’ll be proud to display on your wall for years. We can customize the props. You can bring your own. You can add siblings. Or you can add parents! Maybe turn it into a fun and awesome family portrait session. Except instead of a penalty for charging I’ll shake your hand! But seriously – these sessions are a lot of fun. And they are more than just a record of the 2015 hockey year. By personalizing it with the right props and capturing a variety of poses and expressions you will have great memories.
As for portrait options for this style of hockey photographs – we have many. Too many for here. But sessions start at $29. Packages, canvas and metal portraits, image cubes and even digital files. You can even have black and white or old sepia prints made. Now is the perfect time before the playoffs start and your schedule gets even busier.
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