This modelling contest is all about being YOU and having fun doing it!
I’m calling it a modelling contest because, well, it is! BUT it’s NOT your traditional or normal type of modelling and it’s NOT just for those which the Media calls models. It is about YOU! It’s about having FUN! It’s about being the complete focus of my camera and my mind for half a day! The goal being for YOU to be the very best YOU possible! I’m going to capture WHO YOU ARE right now – at this point in your life. Not who you used to be, not who you are going to be next year but who you are today – and you’re gonna ROCK IT!

Many of you might be thinking “I can’t go in a modelling contest, I don’t know what to do in front of the camera, I’ll be nervous and it’ll show”, or the classic – “I don’t take good photos”. I’ve heard that last one almost as much as I’ve heard my own name! So, here’s the thing -YOU don’t have to because I DO! That’s my job and I’m good at it! I’ve been doing it for over 30 years and I love it more now than I ever have. In fact I love it so much I keep travelling across Canada and the USA every year to learn more techniques, lighting, posing, etc. I’ve reached the level of Master of Photographic Arts as awarded by the Professional Photographers of Canada so you can be comfortable knowing that I can help you relax and look absolutely awesome!!
A great modelling contest needs great portraits. Great portraits start with great lighting and relaxed body dynamics – I’m great with the first and after five minutes you’ll be great at the latter. Then there’s expression. After another five minutes your face will beam with excitement, joy, confidence and power and you will begin to start directing where your shoot will go! I’ve seen it happen time and time again – “now let’s go with the blue top, then the purple dress, OMG – I gotta show off those Jimmy Choos!” That will be YOU!
Now . . . you may still have one little question or concern about this modelling contest. You may have heard about Photoshop or editing of photos and YES, I do it (or have it done). But it can be done a little or a lot. Here’s a little video to show you what can be done – and usually is being done – in the Media Model world.
Just like in this video, you’ll start your modelling contest photo shoot with doing your hair and make-up (at least I assume there’s not many of you willing to roll out of bed and jump in front of my camera! Then, as I mentioned above, there is the photography with location, lighting, posing and expression. Lastly there is Photoshop. This is a choice we’ll have a conversation about. Some of my clients LOVE it and want as much as possible done, while others just want a little blemish here and a little line there reduced. Most fall somewhere in between. There is no wrong choice – because it is YOUR choice. There is only one YOU and nobody else has lived your exact life and had the same experiences (good, bad, happy ,sad) that you have. So you get a lot of input into how your photos look. Of course, I’ll be there to help you along the way. To make suggestions if you can’t decide. That’s another part of my job. Because I’ve done this before and many of you haven’t.
You get to choose your backgrounds and locations. You get to choose your outfits. You get to choose what your hair and make up will look like. You get to choose the four images the judges will see. So check out the Tobias Next Top Model contest page right now or contact me by email or even text me 902-957-0903.