Black and White imagery has long been a favourite of mine. From the landscapes of Ansel Adams and the portraits of Karsh and Richard Avedon, to my own infrared pictorials and those of my friend, Sam Gardner – this medium has become a passion.
Over the past nine months I have been studying and working with one of my most respected mentors. The main goal was for me to refine my lighting skills to be used in creating Fine Art, Black and White children’s portraits. I also spent a fair amount of time refreshing my knowledge in the nuances of how colour and density is reproduced in Black and White printing.
Now it is time to put those skills into action and this is where you come in – well actually, where your children come in! During the month of November, I want to create seven, new, Fine Art, Black and White child portraits. These will possibly be displayed in our Elmsdale Gallery and Studio, on our website or in upcoming brochures and promotions.
All children selected will experience a Fine Art studio session after one parent has had a Design Meeting with me (in person or by phone) and signed a model release. In addition, you will receive a framed, Deluxe 5″x7″ portrait OR a $100 portrait credit towards any Wall Portrait, Wall Grouping or Collection.
If you or anyone you know is interested in having their child be one of my models please contact me immediately providing the child’s name and age. You will receive confirmation of your interest and the final choices will be made before October 31st.
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