As an outdoor photographer I find spots like this!
Every family is different and as an outdoor photographer I’m always looking for unique locations. What’s on your mind? What one location means more to your family than any other? Maybe it’s where you vacation. Maybe it’s where you met your partner. Maybe it’s your own backyard. I can’t answer that question for you but I will poke and prod during your Design Meeting.
As a trained Portrait Artist I’m more than just an outdoor photographer. We will find the ideal location if you really want it. Then it’s up to me figure out the best angle, time of year, time of day and proper lens to create YOUR family portrait. Every family portrait I create has a story. When most people see a family photo I post online they see a great image. But they don’t know the story. They don’t feel it the way you will feel it. My job is not to please them it’s to create a family picture that captures WHO you are.
I love being an outdoor photographer. I specialize in Environmental Family Portraits. I spent the time, effort and money to become Accredited by the Professional Photographer’s of Canada. This assures you that you’re not just getting someone who’s not just an available light photographer. But getting a skilled and experienced professional artist. One who has met the criteria to become accredited by a National organization. One who continually submits work to be judges by a panel of top peers. An award winning, Master of Photographic Arts.
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