Award winning pet photographer !
As a pet photographer I love to photograph litters of puppies! This type of portrait requires a lot of pre-planning. The design process is absolutely necessary. If I drop the ball in even one area the finished portrait suffers greatly. This image was the top animal portrait in the 2014 PPOC-ATL competition.
Over the years I have won numerous awards in Canada and the USA with my puppy litter portraits. From Great Danes to French Bulldogs, Labradors to Beagles. I follow a similar process when photographing individual pets. Designing your pet’s portrait with the finished product in mind. And now I even offer painted pet portraits which are amazingly beautiful.
For many people their pets are almost like their children. As a pet photographer I am in tune with that type of relationship. A portrait of a beloved pet can be every bit as important to that pet owner as a child portrait.
If you are looking for an exceptional pet photographer then I am your man. I love the little furry kids. I have always had cats and dogs of my own. I currently am blessed with Westie named Spenser who definitely has a bit of the Scottish “attitude”. I also have a two year old Bengal, Ruby, who thinks she’s a dog and a new 4 month old Bengal kitten, Sophie, who is the cuddliest kitten I have ever known. She spends most of my computer time on my lap during the day and sleeps on my chest or uses my head as a pillow at night.
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