More than just pet photos we think of them as “furry kid” photos!
Another benefit to having a spacious studio when creating pet photos is the ability to let them “roam free”. They settle down quicker and you don’t have to worry about them running away. I can also control the lighting so that it is perfect for your special friend.
Often times the trickiest part of photographing animals is hone they are white (or very light) or black. You’ve seen them – the pet photos of black cats or dogs and they just look like a black silhouette. Or a light coloured dog that seems to glow and you really can’t see the hairs. That is usually a result of incorrect or no lighting. In this portrait we have a light coloured yellow lab and a black lab very close together in the same portrait yet you can still see the hairs and features on both dogs.
This particular image did very well at the PPOC Atlantic Image Competition and then went on to more success at the National Level.
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