Why do I want rain you might ask. Well, for two reasons – ONE- to wash away all the salt that is still on our roads and TWO- so I don’t get any on my westward journey! The forecast for the weekend looks promising and then maybe on Monday or Tuesday I can get new tires on the bike. The Cat Shack has them in and waiting for me so I don’t have to worry about waiting for them to come in. Then I have to get down to Privateers HD as the bike also needs an oil change and a complete service before I leave – that will reassure me that all is well mechanically and I can enjoy the open road.
My last post covered the first 2 days and the photo was a dead giveaway as to where I hoped to be – so today it’s onward and westward! While I may not be able to ride in a t-shirt it should be very comfortable riding weather for the next two days. I often get asked about the US “helmet laws” and do I know which states have the laws. Because I don’t ride without one it doesn’t matter but I do have an app on my iPhone which tells me. It may surprise you to know that only 2 states have NO helmet laws on the books!! 19 are the same as us and 29 have limited laws (usually age related). For days 3 and 4 I will be riding through only two which have the same helmet laws as us and then not again until my last westward day.
Days 3 and 4 also have me going through the heart of Tornado Alley right during peak tornado season. I’d be lying if I said there was no part of me that wants to see one but if it happens I hope it is off in the distance. I have no idea how fast my Harley will go but I have no issue with finding out if I need to! Hope these hints are helping you track my mileage without actually giving you my route.