The $500 Mileage Challenge Rules – you have 14 days to register.

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I made it to Halifax and back on Friday,with only a few raindrops and generally a very enjoyable ride. The guys at Privateers checked out the bike completely from fender to fender, changed the oil and now I’m completely ready to leave in 15 days. I’ll be starting to pack the saddlebags today with the necessary “bike stuff”.

So I guess it’s time for the Mileage Challenge “Rules” and information. I promised they would be simple and they are:

1. You must Register as a participant by submitting your “pre-trip” mileage guesstimate by midnight on April 27th.

2. There will be daily posts and photos throughout my trip indicating more details of where I am and the route I am travelling.

3. There will be random “quizzes” based on these posts which will allow the the first 3 followers with correct answers to make up to a 100km adjustment to their initial guesstimate.

4. At the end of the trip on June 8/9 the registrant with the closest mileage guess (over or under) will win the $500 certificate.