There is still one part of being a child that elicits an almost universal response – meeting Santa Claus! You can picture it – their eyes get as big as saucers, their jaw drops and their little hearts beat faster than they have ever felt! Unfortunately, the window of “believing” is so short and getting shorter, in our “internet world” which encourages our children to grow up so fast.
In 30+ years as a creative there has been almost nothing which has been so much fun for the children, parents and myself and absolutely nothing in which the resulting portraits have been so consistently incredible and sought after as Santa’s Workshoppe. An authentic looking vintage workshop complete with wooden workbench, antique tools and vintage toys from as far back as the 50s! Our Santa is as real as it gets – from his bushy, white beard to his incredible rapport with children. Don’t settle for the copycats and the imposters – bring your children to the Original Santa’s Workshoppe!
I am having a ONE DAY Limited Edition Santa’s Workshoppe Special on Sunday, Nov. 1st. These sessions are $99 are only about 10 minutes long, include only ONE prop or activity and there are economical wall print options beginning at $199. Contact me immediately as this opportunity won’t be available for long.

As nice as the images look on your computer monitor just wait until you see the actual portraits up close and personal – the detail is amazing! And if you want a real “piece de resistance” a piece of Wall Art, handcrafted on Archival canvas or polished aluminum. Just imagine a piece of art like that on your wall every holiday season for the rest of your life! And then your children will do the same thing for all of theirs. Because there is one thing that these art pieces will have in the future that virtually no other piece of art will. . . one look and the subjects will be transported back in time to being a kid again!
This ONE DAY Special is perfect for those with really young children who wouldn’t appreciate or remember our 30-40 minute Ultimate Childhood Experience or for those looking for a more economical option but love the look of these childhood fantasy portraits. Whichever type of session fits your needs and budget don’t wait another minute as there are limited dates in which Santa can visit his Nova Scotia workshop.
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