The Professional Photographers of Canada held their annual image salon judging last Friday and Saturday at Fanshawe College in Ontario. I was very pleased to have two award-winning images this year – one in the Animal (pet) category and one in the Child Portrait category! Since I was on the National Judging Panel last year I did not enter in 2012 so I was pleased to once again have some of my images make it into this prestigious salon. Here’s what the PPOC website says regarding their National Salon:
One of the cornerstones of the Professional Photographers of Canada is the PPOC Annual Image Salon. This salon showcases the best of the best. The most creative, the newest and most cutting edge, the finest technically executed, and the list goes on. This group of images is always inspiring to view and displays the level of excellence Canadian photographers have achieved. Some of the best photographic talent in the world live and work in Canada, and enter this image competition. Submitted images are judged by a group of very highly qualified, trained judges, all of whom have already achieved their PPOC Craftsman of Photographic Arts or Master of Photographic Arts designation. They have completed a PPOC Judging Clinic to prepare them for the process of objectively judging the images without any personal bias. This is not an easy task and PPOC is constantly striving to nurture and develop a strong group of qualified members to take on this difficult and taxing responsibility.
Here are my two award winning images

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