Day 10 Already! A big day and a big state (or 3)

posted in: Roadtrip | 1

I knew I had a big day ahead of me this morning so I left the motel at 0645 – and it was a cool 58 degrees. Got to Oklahoma City about thirty minutes later thankfully because the traffic was busy but moving quick and smoothly but by the time I got to the other side incoming traffic was bumper to bumper. That is one very big city!
I headed southwest via secondary highways and looped into the “back door” of Amarillo. Turns out that by taking the two hour slower scenic route I missed a hail storm and a rain storm – ” chance favors the prepared” :). However, i did get to play “highway chicken” with a Texas turkey – I WON! My first meal in Texas was “chicken fried steak” at a little diner in Shamrock – won’ be in a hurry to order that again. After a tour through Amarillo I went northern Texas which is not much but flat scrubland, sagebrush and all. After I ran out of Texas it was west to New Mexico. Now let me tell you there were a couple of hours there that were like running on a treadmill – I expended energy but it didn’t look like I moved the scenery was so similar! And STRAIGHT! There was one whole hour where I did not see another vehicle or turn the bike!!! But I did see Pronghorn Antelope and lots of ’em – 49 to be exact – in groups from 1 – 12. That would be a dangerous road for me in the dark when they were not so visible. Oh! And saw one dead snake about 5 ft long. The last goal for the day was to cross into Colorado for about 10 miles before I turned around to head back towards Arizona in the morning. It’s not hard to tell where the Colorado / New Mexico border is because the mountains start right at it!!
So all and all it was a great day as I stayed dry, saw lots of different scenery and checked off three more states that I had never biked in before. Now I’ll finish my supper and get some sleep.







  1. mark pomeroy

    Dam Kirk, your on one of my bucket list trips – I am so jealous. Sounds like your having a blast while I kick myself into the office each day….aaaahhhh. I hitchhiked the west-south and east coasts of the US but will have to do it on a bike.

    Really enjoying the blog so keep em coming.


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