Day 37 – OBX = Awesome!

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Got up and on the road by 0800 and it was already 69 degrees! The sun stayed with us all day and it was over 90 but still not much humidity. Forgot to mention yesterday that we had to stop the Nike for two sets of mom and fawns crossing in front of us. One in Tn and one n NC. Fawns still had their speckles but sure could move those legs when we got close! Today it was swerve and avoid the turtle in Virginia – not near as cute … Or as fast 🙂

We got off the bike at one point in Cape Hatteras and walked down to the beach in our bare feet – Dumb Move!! That sand was so hot we both burned our feet – Pam has blisters on her soles and I have one on my big toe 🙁 if you have never been to the OBX many of the houses are built on stilts so there is no ground floor! This is to minimize water damage from the storm surge during hurricanes. The other “odd” thing is that we have snow plows whereas they have sand plows to move the sand off the roads when it blows bad:) So when we were in Wyoming we had snow piled high on the side of the roads and today it was sand! Took the scenic route off the Outer Banks (OBX) so Pam could experience the Chesapeake Bay bridge/tunnels combination. At 11 miles it is longer than the Confederation Bridge just not as high up. Also there is an area around one of the tunnels where you can stop and watch the ships go through. There is even a restaurant there! We pulled in to this spot and watched a big oil tanker go over the main tunnel.

We are in Ocean City, Maryland tonight and will had up through Pa. tomorrow and maybe get close to Stockbridge, Mass. That is where the Norman Rockwell museum is and for anyone old enough to be familiar with him it is a “don’t miss” museum. We have been there twice before and I could lose myself in his work for the day!









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