Day 7 – short riding day

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Real short riding day as it was only about 3 1/2 hours from Pine Bluff to Prim. My friend Darren and his wife Misty and the kids were ready for my arrival. What an awesome family! We spent the day talkin shop and giving me the tour. Misty is the photographer while Darren is a chicken (broilers) farmer and is the sales guy. Darren is also a licensed pilot with his own plane and he took me up for an aerial view of the area. Lots of hills and one very large lake that looks like 50 lakes from the air.
I was honored to photograph their youngest child, Catryn (spelling?) with her fiddle as Misty wanted to see my style of lighting and lens selection, working distance, etc. She was a great model and we had a perfect day and location for her portrait. I learned about some incredible new products that will work especially well for babies and children and a few other ideas to boot.

Tomorrow I was planning on heading to Kansas but forecast is for rain and Misty wants me to work with her on a few sessions tomorrow at their second studio in Conway. So looks like I’ll be staying here until Sunday morning. I love expanding on friendships and both my work and my pastime provide me with the opportunity to do that across North America. Time to get some sleep – I will add some photos tomorrow sometime.

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